* @copyright Akili AS, June 2003
* @access public
* @package XHTML
class XHTMLDoc
//{{{ Class members
* A reference to the root XmlNode of the XML tree representing the XHTML document
* @access private
var $_xmlTree;
* This is the declaration which appears at the top of the XHTML document
* @access private
var $_docType;
* Elements in the document, which have an id attribute.
* @access private
var $_elements;
* The XML parser.
* @access private
var $_parser;
//}}} End class member declarations
* XHTMLDoc constructor
* @param string $document Either a string containing the XHTML document, or the
* filename which contains it.
* @access public
function XHTMLDoc( $document )
$this->_parser = new XmlParser();
if (strlen($document) < 100 && is_file($document))
$this->_xmlTree = $this->_parser->getRootNode();
if (is_object($this->_xmlTree))
$this->_docType = $this->_parser->doctype;
}//}}}end Constructor
* Find all elements which have an id attribute
* @param object XmlNode &$node reference to a XMLNode
* @access private
function _findIDElements( &$node )
if (!$this->_checkAssert('_findIDElements',
parameter $node is not an XmlNode',
return false;
$children = &$node->getChildren(NUMERIC);
$id = $node->getAttribute('id');
if ($id !== null)
$this->_elements[$id] = &$node;
$j = count($children);
for ($i = 0; $i < $j; ++$i)
$this->_findIDElements( $children[$i] );
}//}}}end function _findFormElements
* Set the value of the element identified by $id
* @param string $id the value of the id attribute of a XHTML element
* (note: lowercase, ie. not ID)
* @param string $value The value to assign to the element.
* @access public
function setValue( $id, $value )
if (!$this->_checkID('setValue', $id))
}//}}}end function setValue
* Adds the value to the end of the element identified by $id's content
* @param string $id the value of the id attribute of a XHTML element (note: lowercase, ie. not ID)
* @param string $value The value to assign to the element.
* @access public
function appendValue( $id, $value )
if (!$this->_checkID('appendValue', $id))
}//}}}end function appendValue
* Add a attribute to the element identified by id
* @param string $id the value of the id attribute of a XHTML element
* (note: lowercase, ie. not ID)
* @param string $name Name of the attribute to add to the element
* @param string $value The value to assign to the attribute.
* @access public
function addAttribute( $id, $name, $value )
if (!$this->_checkID('addAttribute', $id))
$this->_elements[$id]->addAttribute($name, $value);
}//}}}end function addAttribute
* Similar to XHTMLDoc::addAttribute() except this one lets you add multiple attributes at once
* @param string $id the value of the id attribute of a XHTML element
* (note: lowercase, ie. not ID)
* @param string $attributes an associative array of attribute name =>
* attribute value pairs
* @access public
function addAttributes( $id, $attributes )
if (!$this->_checkID('addAttributes', $id))
foreach($attributes as $attrName => $attrValue)
$this->_elements[$id]->addAttribute($attrName, $attrValue);
}//}}}end function addAttributes
* Add a XmlNode to the children of the node identified by $id
* @param string $id the value of the id attribute of a XHTML element
* (note: lowercase, ie. not ID)
* @param object XmlNode $node The node to add
* @access public
function addNode( $id, $node )
if (!$this->_checkID('addNode', $id))
$this->_elements[$id]->addChild('.', $node);
}//}}}end function addNode
* Remove the ID attribute from all nodes
* @access public
function remIDAttrib( )
foreach ($this->_elements as $key=>$value)
}//}}}end function remIDAttrib
* Add a XHTML docuemnt to the xmltree, as a child of the node identified by $id
* @param string $id the value of the id attribute of a XHTML element
* (note: lowercase, ie. not ID)
* @param string $doc Either a string containing the document, or a filename of a
* file containing the document.
* @access public
function insertXHTML( $id, $doc)
if (!$this->_checkID('addNode', $id))
if (strlen($doc) < 100 && is_file($doc))
$root = $this->_parser->getRootNode();
$this->addNode($id, $root);
}//}}}end function insertXHTMLDoc
* Get the root node of the XHTML document
* @return object XmlNode The root node of the XML tree representing the XHTML document
* @access public
function getRootNode( )
return $this->_xmlTree;
}//}}}end function getRootNode
* Get the XHTML document as a string
* @return string string representation of this XHTML document
* @access public
function getDoc( )
if (!$this->_checkAssert('getDoc',
'XHTML document is empty'))
return $this->_docType."\n".$this->_xmlTree->getXmlString();
}//}}}end function getDoc
* @access private
function _checkID($funcName, $id)
if (!assert ('isset($this->_elements[$id])'))
$dbt = debug_backtrace();
$errorMsg = 'Assertion failed in call to XHTMLDoc::'.$funcName.':
$errorMsg .= 'There is no document element with the id '.$id.'
$errorMsg .= 'This method was called from '.$dbt[1]['file'].':'.$dbt[1]['line'];
$errorMsg .= 'Available elements are:';
echo $errorMsg;
if (is_array($this->_elements))
echo '
$this->_printStackTrace( $dbt );
return 0;
return 1;
}//}}}end function _checkID
* @access private
function _checkAssert($funcName, $assert, $msg, $param = null)
if (!assert ($assert))
$dbt = debug_backtrace();
$errorMsg = 'Assertion failed in call to XHTMLDoc::'.$funcName.':
$errorMsg .= 'This method was called from '.$dbt[1]['file'].':'.$dbt[1]['line'];
$errorMsg .= '
echo $errorMsg;
$this->_printStackTrace( $dbt );
return 0;
return 1;
}//}}}end function _checkAssert
* Prints a stacktrace of the callstack
* @access private
function _printStackTrace( $dbt )
if ($dbt === null)
$dbt = debug_backtrace();
echo 'Complete trace of callstack:
foreach($dbt as $eachCall)
echo $eachCall['function'].' called from '.$eachCall['file'].':';
echo $eachCall['line'].'
echo '';
}//}}}end function _printStackTrace
if (!function_exists('debug_backtrace'))
function debug_backtrace( )
$arr = array('function' => __FUNCTION__,
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'class' => __CLASS__,
'type' => 'Undefined',
'args' => 'Undefined');
return array($arr, $arr);